Anubis Team Ltd endeavours to provide the best possible support at all times. However, as perfectionists we are also our own strongest critics so we value all customer feedback equally. We are also fully transparent, where possible, with regard to our complaint handling, including resolutions of upheld complaints.
While concerns or informal complaints are usually responded to and resolved swiftly at a local level, in some cases an informal complaint may be escalated by the customer or may even need to be resolved formally in the first instance (e.g. use of data*).
*Please mark all feedback and complaints regarding (mis)use of data for the attention of our Data Protection Officer when contacting us.
To ensure that our Complaints Policy is followed correctly, the complaints process must be clearly understood by all parties.
For staff only:
Please attach a copy of this Policy by email to the customer, unless they refuse to provide an email address. Please also provide the customer with the link www.anubisteam.co.uk/complaints so this Policy can be accessed via our website.
For customers and staff:
Compliments are always received with gratitude, and do not have to be communicated formally by the customer. A compliment by phone will suffice. However, if a customer requests official acknowledgement by a member of the senior management team (SMT), this should be in writing (ideally, by email) and sent within a reasonable timeframe.
All compliments requiring a formal response by the SMT should be recorded formally by Anubis Team Ltd, with a copy of the compliment/response provided to the member of staff to recognise their individual efforts. If a compliment applies to an entire team or department, it should be treated as a compliment about the group but, also, about the SMT representing that group. For written compliments about Anubis Team Ltd (excluding those on review sites, e.g. Trustpilot), they do not need to be logged but should be forwarded to the Directors so a formal response can be provided by a member of the Board.
Feedback, including suggestions, criticism that the customer wishes to treat as feedback but not as a complaint, and other related commentary, should be treated as follows:
Suggestions should be treated less formally, and sent to the appropriate member(s) of staff to review, respond and take action (if applicable).
Criticism should be treated more formally, but not necessarily logged – treat on a case-bycase basis and always log as ‘feedback’, not as a ‘complaint’.
All negative feedback should be responded to formally by the SMT but does not have to be logged. No strict timeframes apply, but responses should be sent within a reasonable amount of time.
All negative feedback about a team or department should be responded to by the SMT representing that group and forwarded to the Director responsible for the directorate in question.
Complaints can be communicated by customers verbally (by phone / in person), in writing (by letter) or sent electronically (by email).
A complaint is treated as a formal concern or grievance that equates to a formal expression of dissatisfaction. All complaints are treated equally by default, though prioritisation may apply in some cases, i.e., where standard resolution timescales may be catastrophic, safeguarding issues, data breaches, etc.
Anubis Team Ltd neither applies to staff nor offers customers standard resolution targets (e.g. ‘we aim to resolve your complaint within x working days’). Instead, we aim to resolve all complaints thoroughly, as soon as possible, treating all complaints as urgent. We are root-cause focused. However, the time taken to resolve each complaint is recorded by Anubis Team Ltd for internal audit and process improvement purposes. Our Directors receive quarterly and yearly updates via KPIs, on top of monthly catch-ups with their teams, so we can increase the average speed of complaint resolutions without compromising our quality of service.
In cases where a complaint is not upheld, the onus is on Anubis Team Ltd to clearly explain why. We will aim to understand the root cause of any confusion and/or disappointment, e.g. a change of policy or procedure or how we communicated an update, and reference this in our formal response. In all cases, the complaint will be acknowledged and forwarded internally to the appropriate SMT.
Where a complaint is upheld, Anubis Team Ltd will explain why, and will thank the customer for being made aware, while also apologising for any dissatisfaction caused and outlining how we will apply preventative measures to avoid further disappointment.
N.B. In some cases, a customer may claim a “loss”. It is important to clarify with the customer what this means in literal terms, and what they believe we should do to rectify the situation. All claims (of ‘loss’) should be handled by the relevant SMT with the involvement of our Legal team where necessary.
Appeals – internal
In rare cases, our resolution may not be accepted by the customer and an appeal may be required. Anubis Team Ltd recommends, in the first instance, that the appeal begins with our company’s Directors.
All appeals should be treated with the highest priority, and must be responded to as soon as possible. Appeals must be fully resolved / responded to within 28 days, except in extreme cases and where the customer agrees to the extension(s).
Appeals are logged formally by Anubis Team Ltd as such, and a copy of each appeal is forwarded to our Head of Policy & Regulation or a Director representing this responsibility.
Appeals – external
In very rare cases, the customer may be dissatisfied with the quality, speed and/or outcome of our internal appeals process. In this situation, we must signpost customers to the following organisations:
1. EAS – Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (government department body – part of the Dept. for Business & Trade)
2. ACAS – Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service (non-departmental public body – part of the Dept. for Business & Trade)
3. ICO – Information Commissioner’s Office* (UK’s independent body responsible for upholding information rights)
**In most cases the ICO will not be required. However, all matters concerning misuse of data are relevant to the ICO.
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” – Warren Buffett, investor